The Magick in the Book

These days we all have the world at our finger tips. Literally! But for some of us we didn’t have that luxury when we started our magically journey. We had to go to libraries and bookstores and look for those who knew and taught craft. 

Books themselves are magical. What ever you are reading is a composed story of so much magic. These words unlock your imagination. They open your eyes to whole new worlds – things we never knew where out there. Things we never knew possible. Books are keys to the past. They are keys to our own minds. Books contain words that are spells themselves in many ways.

For witches, books hold the words and magick of those before us. They are the teachings and lives of those who have paved the way for those of us today.

We can read their lives’ work in such a small thing. Witches of the past wrote detailed spells, rituals and recipes to pass down through the generations in hopes their magick wisdom would live on.

These are NOT even half my books. This is 20+ years of seeking all the knowledge possible.

Now, many of us don’t have those kind of things – mostly because they were either hidden away or destroyed to hide things from the changing world. Our families had to hide the old ways to escape with their lives, and with that much of the old was lost and forgotten for a long time.

Fast forward to a time now where we are free to practice once again. When I started my path I spent HOURS in the public and school libraries going through the card catalogs. For those who don’t know what a Card Catalog is, it is shelves full of drawers with index cards that had the books’ authors name, the book titles and the section of the library they was in. I would read every magickal work with love and passion. As these words awoke the side of my ancestral blood,  I could feel the magic just flow. I craved every book possible. History, herbal, spells and so on. I wanted to read and take as many notes as possible. I would come home with stacks of books. I had so many notebooks full of knowledge I soaked up from the many pages.

Yes, these days I can just pull whatever up on my phone lightening fast, but its absolutely not the same as a good physical book. You can Google something one day and the next the page can be gone. But a book is forever! You can go back to it as many times as you need and it doesn’t change. Books are always a permit source of knowledge. Being a witch, I want to be able to physically pass down my knowledge to my family through a book. Because technology changes so much from day to day, what we keep online or on our computers may not even be accessible in the next five years. Don’t get me wrong  – technology is absolutely amazing. But books will always be around and never change their format.

So this witch will always recommend books to anyone looking for knowledge on  a witchy topic. Plus, are you really a witch if you don’t have a home full of books? 

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