Images in Witchcraft

As you may have noticed, I do not show my face, pretty much at all. This is due to the exact same issues I mentioned in my previous blog on names in the witchcraft world. I do not share my image for the same reason I do not share my given name, my own protection. Both from personal exposure to my uber religious in laws, and from anyone who may wish to use it against me. When I do share images of me I heavily edit them and place protections on them. I also make sure to change my eyes in every image shared as they are the windows to the soul. I feel like the combination of not being able to properly visualize my face nor speak my name, gives me a strong advantage in the magickal playing field. However there is yet another problem that may become an issue over time as well. Satanic Panics. They have happened before, more than once, and we are at the starting point of the next one. With the new fad making it not only “cool” to be witchy it also makes people feel more comfortable being open about it on social media and in the general public. However,  I have been seeing increasingly common articles about these folks being attacked both verbally and physically, including to people I know personally. Now, I know many people do not take the measures I do and feel perfectly fine. Cool, but I wonder how they will feel should they come under attack in a public setting or have a genuine practitioner come for them. I am not talking about the social media witches who make spell jars, use premade spell kits or light candles overloaded with herbs and crystals in attempts to burn their own homes down. I mean the ones who did the research, know their shit and actually pose a threat. Will you be able to physically protect yourself? Will you know ACTUAL ways to protect and reverse workings done against you? These are all valid questions you should be asking yourself if this is the world in which you choose to live and work. Now, I am in no way saying you should walk in fear, I do not. I am also not saying you should be ashamed, I am not. All I am saying is that you should take it seriously. Some people live passive lives and have little to no confrontation to worry about. That’s fine and well, but this Sagittarius rising lives a life with not only my own confrontations, but I take on confrontations of my loved ones which is why I also do not share images of them. So, if like me you are a protector, make sure you are also protected.

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